This couple of days i have been busy with my diy project that is why i did not update my blog quiet often.

I think my latest project posted few days ago about the DIY Skirt. The latest one is the top part, i tried to make blazer on my own using the same fabric as the skirt.

Well, i thought i am not going to make it, lol. During the sewing, of course i faced sorts of problem since this is the first time i tried to make blazer, pattern i made it on my own based on the basic bodice making guide and a little information about the collar part that i get from my sewing lesson book.

Problem that i face was how to insert the lining, the fabric choice problem of course, and then some stuff that i just found out when i sew my fabric. Well, sometime problems can be the milestone for us to learn.

Note: Thanks to internet and pro youtubers i managed to get some info and save my project. ^^

But yes i managed to make it. So here is the top part.
